Deleting .SPCT File Virus Easily
.SPCT File Virus errors which should also be noticed
0x80246008 WU_E_DM_FAILTOCONNECTTOBITS A download manager operation failed because the download manager was unable to connect the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)., 0x80243004 WU_E_TRAYICON_FAILURE A failure occurred when trying to create an icon in the taskbar notification area., Error 0x80070003 - 0x20007, Error 0xC1900208 - 0x4000C, 0x8024800C WU_E_DS_LOCKTIMEOUTEXPIRED The data store section could not be locked within the allotted time., Error 0x80070652, 0xf080B CBS_E_PROPERTY_NOT_AVAILABLE requested property is not supported, 0x80244013 WU_E_PT_INVALID_COMPUTER_NAME The computer name could not be determined., 0x80242017 WU_E_UH_NEW_SERVICING_STACK_REQUIRED The OS servicing stack must be updated before this update is downloaded or installed., 0x00000066, 0xf0827 CBS_E_STACK_SHUTDOWN_REQUIRED servicing stack updated, aborting, Error 0xC1900200 - 0x20008, 0x8024A004 WU_E_AU_PAUSED Automatic Updates was unable to process incoming requests because it was paused., 0x80240006 WU_E_TOOMANYRANGES The requested number of byte ranges exceeds the maximum number (2^31 - 1)., 0x0000007D, 0x80247002 WU_E_OL_NEWCLIENT_REQUIRED An operation could not be completed because the scan package requires a greater version of the Windows Update Agent., 0x000000A5, 0x000000BE, 0x00000054